
the arts 

The arts are always in search of funds. Outstanding arts organizations have the effect of being a significant influence in making a city attractive.


The programs we support educate the community of the root causes of poverty and the public policies proven to reduce poverty and its impact on children, families, and communities. 

​​​​​The primary mission of the Holland Foundation is to support efforts which 1) aid children and families in crisis or in need, 2) support the arts or artists, and 3) support public education at all levels.

To a lesser extent, the Foundation supports efforts which 1) benefit the environment, 2) support scientific research, and 3) facilitate communication and understanding with others. 

In furtherance of the mission, the Holland Foundation may fund capital projects, general operating support, and special programs or projects.  Our interests include advocacy, and efforts to address the root causes of both poverty and failed educational outcomes.


 My interests in the environment are stimulated by a rapidly changing environmental picture and now global warming. 

Many children are left behind for the reason they are not treated well, stimulated, encouraged, or exposed to the environments limiting their natural curiosity, growth, development, and ambition.

our mission

​"We support the problem of very young, poor children, which has been largely neglected. Our country has seriously neglected this problem, and it is of utmost importance." - Dick Holland

"If you have had the good fortune to earn a fortune, share it

generously with others." - Dick Holland